Kid Classic Sippy 12oz (355 ml)

Kid Classic Sippy 12oz (355 ml)

Kid Classic Sport 12oz (355 ml)

Kid Classic Sport 12oz (355 ml)

Wide 27oz (798 ml)

Wide 27oz (798 ml)

Classic 27oz (798 ml)

Classic 27oz (798 ml)

Classic 18oz (532 ml)

Classic 18oz (532 ml)

Wide 40oz (1200 ml)

Wide 40oz (1200 ml)

Wide 64oz (1900 ml)

Wide 64oz (1900 ml)

Rise Food Box 10oz - Snack

Rise Food Box 10oz - Snack

Rise Food Box 34 oz - Meal

Rise Food Box 34 oz - Meal

Rise Food Box 55 oz - Big Meal

Rise Food Box 55 oz - Big Meal


Iconic, timeless, and designed to last a lifetime—that’s our Classic single-wall collection. These simple, beautiful bottles have kept us happy and hydrated for more than 10 years. Klean's Wide single-wall line also offers perfect hydration solutions—from the backcountry to the urban jungle. We also have durable Kid Kanteens and stainless steel Growlers.

Klean is Family and Employee-Owned

Nuestra Misión en Acción

Como empresa familiar no tenemos que responder ante las partes interesadas. Somos libres de actuar basándonos en nuestros valores cada día. Hemos construido nuestro negocio dando prioridad al bienestar de las personas y del planeta y diseñando productos sostenibles y de alto rendimiento.

Climate Label Certified
1% For The Planet Member
Certified B Corporation